- Lack of Market
- Limited Market Information
- Low capacity to produce
Awega Marketplace
Farmers can post Produce as suppliers through exporters on the Webfarm platform, hence increasing farmer income and capacity to produce.
- Access to Agricultural land
- Land Degredation
- Low Capacity for land Preparation
Projects Module
Land owners can make their land available for any project on a buy, lease or Hire basis through the Marketplace, to avoid land lying fallow resulting in degradation leading to diminished land use.
- Limited Access to Agriculture Financing
Farmer Database
Data on the agricultural sector activity, including individual farmers and groups, can be shared with financial institutions, such as banks, investment firms, government agencies, etc.
- Presence of chemical residue in products
Input/Service Providers
All providers of agricultural inputs and services are certified in the system thus helping to deal with the issue of low quality and high chemical residue in products.
- Unemployment & Livelihood Issues
Labor Module
People willing to offer both expert and manual labor can register and work in the supply chain. This helps partly to address the problem of unemployment.
- Low prices paid to Farmers
- Lack of suitable knowledge along the value chain
Knowledge Bank
Webfarm's comprehensive database provides information that can adds to a farmer's knowledge of market trade, prices, crop diseases, etc.
- Climate Change
Weather Module
Periodic weather updates can be delivered to registered farmers through SMS, email, etc.